
UK First Edition
1964 - Michael Joseph

Set in the late thirties, Joby is an eleven year old boy who is just about to go to Cressley Grammar School. It is the summer holidays, and his mother has to go into hospital for an operation. It turns out to be an eventful summer holiday for him, and he finds himself having to learn to grow up a lot in a short time.

This story is told in the third person, but the events are seen from the point of view of Joby; we the readers have a different understanding of what is going on. The contrast between what we know to be happening and how Joby perceives it is what makes this such an interesting novel.

Other information
Joby was dramatised in two episodes on Yorkshire Television in 1975; the script of the TV play was published by Blackie in 1977.

This book is frequently used for GCSE English Literature. As a result, it is in print in hardback, published by Heinemann Educational Services at a very reasonable price!

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