
UK First Edition
1968 - Michael Joseph

US First Edition
1968 - Coward-McCann

Tom Simpkins is a respected public figure in Cressley. He is also the long-time lover of a married woman. But when the husband of his mistress is killed in a car crash, he is forced to re-evaluate his life and relationships.

Other information
Another nice little cross-reference in this book; Tom Simpkins got on well with the young lad in the record shop in Cressley, before it was taken over; the "young lad" is obviously Vic Brown.

A Raging Calm was made into a TV series in the mid-seventies, starring Alan Badel, Diana Coupland, Michale Williams, Frances White and Vicki Williams.

A radio dramatization (by Diana Griffiths) of A Raging Calm was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2002.

A Raging CalmThis book was recently republished by Smith-Settle, but is now out of print again.

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